REview and PREview, June 30

Good Tuesday afternoon!  I trust you are doing well during these challenging days! REview – I’ve attached Sunday’s sermon.  I’ve received a few interesting comments and probing questions.  I’m honored that people would take the time to...

REview and PREview, June 24

Good Wednesday evening.  What a lovely day we shared, out here on the Peninsula.  I hope you were are off to a good week. REview – I’ve attached Rev. John Maxwell’s sermon.  Read John Maxwell sermon 06.21.2020 (pdf) (pdf)Thanks, again, John, for your...

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost, June 28

We gather again this week as the family of God, each safely where we can. It is our prayer that something said or done during this service will touch your heart and give you encouragement for your walk of discipleship this week. Through the tremendous ups and downs of...

REview and PREview, June 16

Good Tuesday afternoon.  I trust you are off to a good week, staying as active as safely allows. REview – I’m grateful to Rev. John Maxwell, former pastor of FUMC, Port Angeles, for your sermon on Sunday Read the sermon (pdf).  I love the insight and...